Craig Robinson, Brother-In-Law Of Barack Obama, Claims He’s Nervous About ‘Close’ Presidential Election
It’s one thing to be the head coach of the Oregon State Beavers basketball team, but it’s quite another to be the brother-in-law of President Barack Obama. Robinson does a nice job of balancing the two while on the campaign for Obama, but makes it clear his views and opinions are his own, separate from Oregon State University.Robinson is nervous about the upcoming election, but couldn’t be more proud of his brother-in-law as Obama looks to be re-elected into office on Tuesday.Craig Robinson joined KJR in Seattle with Dave “Softy” Mahler to discuss the process of being involved with the presidential election, being the brother-in-law of President Barack Obama, being all-in when it comes to the election under Obama and being nervous about Tuesday.
Tell the audience what’s the process of being involved with the presidential election and where will your family be next week?
“First of all, the folks out there should know how humbling and honored it is to be a part of this process. Never, in all my days growing up, did I think I would be this close to what’s going on the national level with the race for the presidency. It’s been humbling and I have been to just about every battleground state but Florida campaigning for him, and my family and my brother-in-law, and it’s been terrific. People have been warm. It may seem like it’s tenuous on the outside in the national media, but when I’m on the ground, people are making distinct changes. This isn’t sort of, ‘Hey these guys are close on this.’ There are two distinct sides and I’ve been out there just trying to give people a distinct picture of family and just a different angle. Again, it’s been extremely humbling and I will be in Chicago Tuesday. I can’t reveal where I will be, but you guys can probably guess.”
You’re either in or you’re out when it comes to being involved with the presidential election and Oregon State knew that?
“Exactly. When I got the job it was right in the midst of the first campaign and I explained to the my athletic director, Bob De Carolis, who currently is the athletic director, what is going on. He was very supportive. So was the president of the university. As a state employee in Oregon, I can’t use my position to promote politics, so whenever I am on the campaign trail I am never introduced as, ‘This is the view of Craig Robinson, State of Oregon Employee.’ It’s Craig Robinson, private citizen. I can’t use that as a platform and I don’t do that. It’s a fine line, but it’s one of those things you have to be very careful of, but our family was behind this. Once we all got behind it, that took a little doing with my mom and my sister, but once we all got in and we all were all in, all hands on deck, and it’s been that way ever since. And whenever they call on me to be a surrogate I am happy to do it.”
Any doubt in your mind that Barack Obama wins on Tuesday?
“Well I am biased, so there’s no doubt. It’s going to be close.”
Are you nervous?
“I’m nervous. I’m more nervous than I am when I coach. [Host: Scale of 1-10 on nervous?] I’m 8. I’m 8. I’m 8 nervous. Yes. Yes. Yes.”