Missouri Tigers

Jjoslyn James On Tigers Apologies He Lied To Me He Broke My Hurt He Put A Lot Of Peoples Health At Risk

Oh my. I’ll admit up front, I’ve tried to steer clear of the whole Tiger saga this past several months. I won’t explain why, but suffice it to say, it’s been next to impossible to not be kept abreast of the latest in his whole sordid mess since Thanksgiving. Of all the stuff I’ve read, the transcripts of the text messages sent by Tiger to porn star Joslyn James definitely take the cake for the most revealing and tacky tidbits I’ve encountered. Deadspin posted the text messages recently, and though I’m no prude by any stretch of the imagination, I was pretty taken aback by some of them. Check them out (NSFW), then listen to Joslyn James, who joined KFNS in St. Louis to talk about all sorts of interesting and candid tidbits relating to the relationship she and Tiger Woods had been carrying on secretively. And oh yeah, stay tuned, as James mentions near the end of her interview that she’ll be breaking fresh news about Tiger and their relationship in the next couple of weeks.

On how the affair between him and Tiger got started:

“We got to know each other over time just like every other couple in the world. We spent lots of time together every month over the last three years and I grew to love him. I grew to love him.”

On how they actually met initially:

“We met at a nightclub in Vegas.”

On how Tiger would arrange to see her each month:

“We would make arrangements for me to meet him in various locations, and whenever he came to Vegas I would see him when he was there.”

On why she chose to save the provocative text messages that Tiger sent her:

“I’ve got several messages save from various people. You know my best friend, my manager – just different things on different day. It wasn’t anything in particular.”

On why she chose to publish the text messages:

“The reason I published the text messages when I did was because I thought it was time for the public to know the truth because there was lots of speculation as to the truth behind it, and people were getting information from not very reputable sources and I thought it was time for me to come forward and set the record straight.”

On what she thinks of Tiger’s two public apologies recently:

“What I feel about that is it’s a lot of the same hocus pocus. He’s just wearing his comfortable gear, the golf clothes and the softer face instead of the mean, muggy one he showed on the night of original so-called apology. It doesn’t really mean anything and it doesn’t seem sincere because the treatment that he’s doing is very similar to the 12 steps. And 2 of the steps in the 12 step program is lifting the people you hurt when you’re doing your bad things – be it drugs, alcohol or sex addiction – and you’re supposed to contact those people individually and make amends.”

On if she feels like she’s been hurt by Tiger:

“Yes I have. He’s hurt many people.”

On how she specifically felt like Tiger hurt her:

“He lied to me, he broke my heart, he put a lot of people’s health at risk. There’s many, many things that he did. Not just to me, but to many people. If he’s really seeking treatment and wanting to move forward with his life and become so-called recovered, he needs to make amends with each individual that he hurt.”

On if Tiger ever promised to leave his wife Elin to be with her:

“No, the relationship that we had was exactly what it was. I never asked him to leave his wife, and he never told me he was going to do that. We were happy with what we had.”

On if she knew about the long list of women that Tiger was also sleeping around with:

“I was suspicious because there were a couple of different times where things occurred and I brought things to his attention, and he reassured me that that wasn’t true, that he wasn’t seeing anyone else but me, that he didn’t have the time, that he didn’t feel like he could trust anybody. But clearly it was very hard to know what was true and what was not true.”

On if Tiger is different privately than the persona he shows to the public world:

“Yeah he’s definitely a different guy. We spent a lot of time together and it wasn’t all about sex. We laughed, we spent lots of time watching T.V. together, we talked, it was basically like a normal relationship except he was the most famous golfer in the world. And he just happened to be married, unfortunately for me. But that doesn’t stop me from caring for him, or stop me from loving him.”

On if she feels guilty about what they were doing knowing that

“We weren’t parading around, it wasn’t anything like that. But I wasn’t the one who made vows with Elin. He did and he was the one who broke his vows. I take full responsibility for my behavior.”

On how they were introduced to each other and on if there were people in Tiger’s inner circle that were aware of his transgressions:

“I’m just going to say that there were people in his inner circle who were aware of what was going on and I’m just going to leave it at that.”

On if there’s any other news about Tiger and their relationship that she plans to reveal:

“There’s going to be some news coming out within the next couple of weeks, so I’m just going to let that news speak for itself.”

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